Ice Kissed - Amanda Hocking | The Basic Bookworm: Ice Kissed - Amanda Hocking

Thursday 8 December 2016

Ice Kissed - Amanda Hocking

Began reading: 29.11.2016
Completed reading: 7.12.2016
Overall rating: 4 stars

Could a secret destroy a kingdom?

Bryn Aven refuses to abandon her dream of serving her king as part of his elite guard. It's a dream that takes her to a whole new realm - the glittering palace of the Skojare tribe.

The Skojare are threatened by a hidden enemy, who also targeted her own Kanin community. So in a spirit of cooperation, Bryn is assigned to help protect them. Being half Skojare herself, she also hopes to discover her lost heritage. Her boss Ridley Dresden is overseeing the mission - but as their attraction heats up, their relationship is about to reach a whole new level.

Then as Bryn learns more about the Skojare, she stumbles upon a web of conspiracy. And the dark truths she uncovers will change her and both kingdoms forever, threatening everyone she loves.

Ice Kissed by Amanda Hocking is the second instalment of the Kanin Chronicles series. It is a fictional young adult novel that contains fantasy and romance. After reading the first book, I was really excited to get into this one and I wasn’t disappointed. I loved every bit of this book, and I’m beyond excited for the next novel. I just don’t want this series to end!

The book was well-written, with the exception of grammatical and spelling errors. After Frostfire, I wasn’t expecting errors but it’s ok. Hocking’s writing is descriptive and utilises a variety of literary techniques to add depth to the narrative. The plot was well-structured, and contained a few great quotes. These include:

…I never wanted to be forced to choose between love and duty. So it was best if I just avoided love altogether (p. 89).

‘I believe I would do my best to sway the King to the correct course of action and to protect the innocent. But in the end, I am nothing more than a sword at the end of the King’s arm. I do as he directs’ (p. 140).

‘…things are very bad when the only positive thing you can say is that you’re simply alive…’ (p. 171).

More quotes from the book can be found here.

As in Frostfire, I fell in love with the plot. It was really unique and interesting, especially because Bryn was given a mission. Although the mission was the primary focus of the narrative, there were other things going on which kept the plot moving forward and interesting. In Frostfire, Bryn was assigned with numerous missions; however, this wasn’t the case here. Still, I liked that Hocking added some humour and drama to keep the book appealing.

The amount of romance was almost perfect! I was really enjoying reading about the progress of Bryn and Ridley’s relationship, and I low-key fangirled when they took it to the next level. They are so perfect for each other! Tilda and Kasper’s relationship was also very adorable, so I wanted to sigh whenever they got a little lovey-dovey. The romance wasn’t fluffy, so I didn’t mind reading about them kissing and flirting. I can’t wait to see Bryn and Ridley’s love develop further in Crystal Kingdom!

The book was pretty emotional towards the end of the novel, and I almost cried. It was completely unexpected and I was left reeling. *WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILER* I feel so bad for Bryn and Tilda – I know that Tilda is going to be heartbroken, which makes me upset, but I hope that she doesn’t blame Bryn. I hope that I’ll be able to read about Tilda’s reaction to the news, as it would emphasise how much she cared for Kasper.

Some things, like who was responsible for trying to kill Mikko, were obvious and predictable. It bothered me that Bryn took a while to come to the same conclusion. I know that it adds suspense to the plot, but it just irritates me when it takes a while for a character to make the same realisation as you. I’m not very smart, but it didn’t take 20+ pages to realise who responsible for the attempt on Mikko’s life.

The ending of this book was rather abrupt, but it worked better this time around in comparison to Frostfire. There is a difference between an abrupt ending and finishing the story with a cliff-hanger. In the previous book, I would definitely say that the book had an abrupt ending. The conclusion for this book was different, as it set the context for the next book. Konstantin’s sudden appearance and what he says gives us a teaser into what to expect in the next book. This makes me eager to begin the next book, which is awesome.

My favourite character is still Bryn Aven, as she’s loyal, protective, hard-working, honest, and a badass. She’s a little slow when it comes to solving a mystery, but I can forgive her for that. Ridley is a notable figure, but I have added Tilda and Kasper to this list.

*WARNING: SPOILER* I knew that I shouldn’t have trusted Kennet, but I was suspicious of him from the beginning. When Bryn confronted Mikko, I thought that he would be involved but I was wrong. Kennet added drama to the plot – as well as interest, with his flirting – so I don’t hate him. It sucks that he’s gone now, but I wonder how Mikko and Linnea will react to this. Also, I don’t like Mina – what the heck is her problem?

My favourite parts of the book include anything with Bryn and Ridley, Bryn’s mission in Storvatten, and Tilda’s wedding. As in Frostfire, Bryn and Ridley are adorable together. Bryn’s mission in Storvatten was interesting, as she had a lot of interaction with Linnea and Kennet. Tilda’s wedding was very sweet, and a lot happened in the same day, which kept the plot interesting.

Recommendation time! If you like the Spellcaster trilogy by Claudia Gray, Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas, and the Untamed City series by Melissa Marr, you will love this book. Also, I recommend this book to anyone who likes The Family TV series, Shadowhunters, Vampire Academy, Divergent, and The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones.

I will also be reviewing the rest of the Kanin Chronicles series, including Crystal Kingdom. Keep an eye out for that!

My review for Frostfire can be found by clicking on the title.

Happy reading!

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